
2024年9月10日 星期二

Trump calls black Harris an idiot she responds you can't live 4 more years


Trump is going to have a TV debate with Harris and he is going to use the tactic of attacking and swearing at Harris, focusing on her incompetence and ignorance, Harris has very little to counter Trump's tactics because she really doesn't have a clue about international politics and diplomacy, and she is only a presidential candidate because Biden is too old, and the US has already had its turn for a woman to be president. The order of presidents in the US is that a white president is replaced by a black one, then a woman, a minority, and finally a transgender. The only strategy Harris might be able to use is that she, might be able to seize on the loopholes in Trump's attacks to challenge them, and could prepare something against Trump in advance to strike first.

Until now, it was not clear who would win the election, even if Trump had a slight advantage after the shooting. He attacked Biden for being old and incompetent now that he himself is old, and Harris for being so clueless that Trump might not have been as good as her when he was first elected. Even if he returns to the White House it would only be for 4 years and it is impossible to change America and the world in such a short period of time. The US has not become stronger in his 4 years in office, the trade wars have led to ‘epidemic war’ and the world has become more chaotic and fragmented. For himself, he has to get elected, or else the lawsuits will bring him down sooner or later, and even if he is elected, whether he can avoid the next assassination will depend on luck. The American electoral system is very outdated, and the assassination of the President is an American tradition. There is no telling how many hidden forces will want him dead.

He will definitely intervene in the Russian-Ukrainian war after coming to power. Recently, it is said that Ukraine hides the casualties, and also wants to pursue the responsibility for the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan. The Russian-Ukrainian war has made more than 4,000 arms dealers in the United States earn a lot of money, and the military enterprises of European countries and even the NATO allies have been placing orders continuously, and they have been expanding their production capacity and working overtime to manufacture arms. The war has already intervened in the critical point, once the war stops, it means that the world arms trade has plummeted, not to mention that if Russia really disintegrates, how much economic interests are involved in the post-war reconstruction, and how easy is it for Trump to end the war with just a word.


The leftist media in the United States, such as the <New York Times>, <The Associated Press>, CNN, the <Wall Street Times>, etc., are not going to let Trump off the hook, as he has been under attack ever since he was elected. Will the drug cartels let him off the hook for the huge price cuts he's forced them to make? Will the US and Middle East oil consortiums let him off the hook when the price of oil plummeted due to the liberalization of domestic oil extraction and exports? The Wall Street financial oligarchs and US conglomerates, in response to Trump's trade wars, have been in constant conflict with their ‘biggest competitor’, which has been making huge profits over the past few decades of collusion. Through globalization, US conglomerates have made huge profits from the huge markets of "their competitors". Will Donald Trump be let off the hook when he comes to power to start a bigger trade war that will ultimately lead to loss of profits?


Since the end of the Cold War, it has been the policy of the United States to export capital and make profits through globalization, and the Democratic Party has been the promoter of this strategy, so naturally, it will not let Trump sabotage this process with his unilateralism. The US domestic bureaucracy will not let Trump off the hook either, as the number of backroom deals with bureaucratic interests will be affected by the reduction of the approval period for infrastructure construction from 10 years to one. Building a wall at the border to keep out illegal immigrants also stops the drug trade through the border, and since smuggling immigrants illegally into the country has been a traditional business, would the big drug dealers and human smuggling groups in North America let Trump off the hook? The US health insurance system is chaotic, with a complex mix of unreasonable medical fees and insurance, and high drug prices that are unaffordable to the average person, and Trump has suppressed the prices of commonly used drugs by executive order, so will the pharmaceutical and insurance companies let him off the hook?

Trump is just a second-generation rich crappy businessman, his idea of changing the world by himself is stupid, the slogan of America is strong again, just like his good friend Vladimir Putin's ‘Give me 20 years, and I will give you a strong Russia’, is impossible to accomplish without being practical. The United States has never been in decline. Globalization was started by the United States and has been a fundamental policy since the Cold War. Forty years of globalization have brought relative peace to the world, and this relative stability should be stabilized, not undermined. As a businessman, Trump has fulfilled his historical mission, and even if he gets another term, if he had his own way, he wouldn't survive another 4 years surely.

