
2024年6月3日 星期一

Is Trump being prosecuted because of his old friend Abe?


Trump faces over 30 charges in various lawsuits, and it is highly likely that he will be convicted in the end. The so-called multiple charges actually boil down to one charge of hush money. Trump is facing over 90 lawsuits, and if they all go through the judicial process, it will be a lengthy ordeal. The notion of the verdict having political motivations is evident, and whether it is political persecution goes without saying. Whether or not a Republican candidate goes to jail has little actual impact on his re-election prospects, but it naturally limits his ability to campaign and rally support. 

Up to now, he leads significantly in polls compared to his opponents, but whether he can be re-elected depends on the actual votes. Furthermore, the electoral system in the U.S. is very outdated, with too many external factors involved. Even the ballots cast cannot truly represent the will of the people. Looking at the current situation, he and Biden are neck and neck in terms of campaign support. The issue for the Republican Party lies in the difficulty of finding a replacement for Trump, while the issue for the Democratic Party is that Biden is simply too old. 

During Trump's tenure, the trade war he initiated escalated into a confrontation with America's competitors, ultimately leading to the disintegration of globalization. While he fired the first shot against the "competitors" and quickly surrounded them in the Indo-Pacific region, this idea was originally proposed by Abe but actually implemented by Trump. Leveraging the enormous influence of the United States, he swiftly exerted pressure on competitors, but his defeat strategy did not further play out. His primary task during his tenure shifted from implementing the America First policy to stimulating the economy, gradually evolving into a comprehensive confrontation with competitors, which eventually led to the outbreak of the pandemic and his eventual downfall. 

Therefore, if he were to return to office, he would inevitably need to refocus his strategy on the competitors, aiming to quickly end the war in Ukraine and persuade Russia to join the containment camp against strong countries. With Russia pressuring from the north, the final piece of the puzzle in the Indo-Pacific region would be completed, leaving competitors surrounded on three sides by the south, north, and west, with the Pacific Ocean to the east. His final slogan of ending the rule of the opponent's ruling party was a strategy proposed for the first time since the Cold War, leading to a coalition of forces, including Wall Street, major corporate factions, left-wing media, financial technology giants, and the woke camp, uniting to push him out of office.


During Trump's term, the trade war he initiated evolved into a confrontation with America's competitors, eventually leading to the breakdown of globalization. While he launched the first attack against the "competitors" and quickly surrounded them in the Indo-Pacific region, this idea was originally proposed by Abe but was actually realized by Trump. Leveraging the immense influence of the United States, he swiftly exerted pressure on the competitors, but his strategy of defeat did not have a further impact. His primary task during his term shifted from implementing the America First policy to gradually developing into a comprehensive confrontation with the competitors, ultimately resulting in the outbreak of the pandemic and his eventual removal from office. 

Therefore, if he were to return to power, he would inevitably need to shift the strategic focus back to the competitors, making it crucial to swiftly end the conflict in Ukraine and persuade Russia to join the containment camp against powerful nations. With Russia applying pressure from the north, the final piece of the puzzle in the Indo-Pacific region would be completed, leaving the competitors surrounded on three sides by the south, north, and west, with the Pacific Ocean to the east. His final slogan of ending the ruling party of the opponents was a strategy proposed for the first time since the Cold War, leading to a coalition of forces, including Wall Street, major corporate factions, left-wing media, financial technology giants, and the woke camp, joining together to oust him from power. 

The United States has now contacted more than 60 countries outside of NATO to counterbalance Russia, establishing the so-called "Super NATO" system. This mechanism will naturally be applied to competitors after the end of the Russia-Ukraine war. Even from an economic perspective, abolishing globalization does not align with America's long-term interests. In fact, globalization was proposed and implemented by the United States. America does not face the issue of regaining greatness because it has never truly declined. Even if America experiences a revival, it is not about bringing manufacturing back to the U.S., especially in this era dominated by AI and high technology. The problem with competitors is that personal will overrides national interests, which is very similar to Trump's own issue. In the decades following the Cold War, peaceful development was the mainstream.

However, the Russia-Ukraine war has evolved into a comprehensive confrontation between two major camps. In such a situation, it is crucial for the U.S., as a global leader, to be led by an experienced, objective, and rational leader who can distinguish priorities and urgencies and avoid extreme measures. If Trump returns to power, his threat to the world is no less than Putin's. Judging from his recent conviction, if he continues to act recklessly, the outcome will likely be similar to Abe's.



