
2021年11月30日 星期二



在法國甚至在第一例病例被發現之前,衛生部就表示,所有接觸過奧米克朗變體陽性病例的人,都應被視為"高風險接觸者",即使接種了疫苗也應被隔離起來。法國衛生部長韋蘭(Olivier Véran)今天周日表示,「在法國檢測出冠狀病毒(Covid-19)變體歐米克朗很可能是幾個小時以後的事"有些科學家把Omicron變種形容為「迄今已知最為兇猛」,認為此變種光棘蛋白突變就有32個,生怕它能逃過接種疫苗及早先染疫而取得的抗體。

美國科學家聯盟(Federation of American Scientists)資深專家指出,新變種比起舊有病毒株有諸多強勢之處,例如比起傳染力很高的Delta變種,「惡性棘蛋白突變」更要高一倍;再加上弗林蛋白酶切位點(furin cleavage site)突變,總計比Delta變種傳染力強五倍。Omicron變種傳染力大增,可能取代Delta變種,目前震波已傳遍全球,這個新變種真的很兇;不僅如此,稍早出現的C12變種似乎也在慢慢成長取代Delta,成為南非疫情的主流。



2021年11月29日 星期一






所謂澳門貴賓廳“疊馬仔”放數抽水給賭客,都已經是經營了幾十年的事情了。華哥安排會員到海外賭博也並不犯法,況且他在菲律賓和柬埔寨也的確是正式經賭牌。澳門政府的指控確實但這些生意都做了幾十年了而且是被默許的,而且澳門政府收取大量稅金是實際的最大受益者。現在突然對華哥動手而且官媒已經公開發聲,最主要的原因還是堵截資金外流,畢竟是涉及上萬億的資金流出,因為上面已經沒錢了。 况且最近各行業都在面临整肃。


















2021年11月26日 星期五

New energy vehicles are all nonsense to deceive people's money


The British government issued a statement stating that six major automakers around the world will gradually stop production of vehicles powered by fossil fuels by 2040. Regal, Ford, General Motors, Daimler's Mercedes-Benz, BYD, and Jaguar Land Rover will sign pledges at the climate summit in the British city of Glasgow to help curb global warming by the middle of this century. Volvo has pledged to fully produce pure electric vehicles by 2030. In addition, four countries, including New Zealand and Poland, will join the ranks of other countries and jointly pledge to ensure that all new cars and vans have zero carbon emissions by 2040 or earlier.

The United Kingdom is hosting the 26th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP26). The above statement came from a meeting dedicated to discussing transportation issues on the 9th.Whether carbon emissions itself is a false proposition is now much debated, but reducing carbon emissions has become the so-called political correctness under the consensus. The main reason for the recent extreme increase in energy prices is the partial economic growth after the peak of the epidemic. In particular, Europe and the United States are gradually opening cities, intending to coexist with the virus to restore the economy. 

The most important thing is that in recent years, under the pressure of new energy to suppress traditional energy, the development of new energy has not kept up, and the old energy has been suppressed at the same time. It is not surprising that energy supply cannot keep up and prices rise. The so-called new energy vehicle was originally a pseudo-proposition under commercial operation. The use of batteries does reduce carbon emissions, but the electricity is generated by petroleum, coal, and biochemical energy. Solar energy, wind energy, hydroelectric energy, tidal energy and nuclear energy, etc., can’t meet even 10% of the basic mankind needs. 

Human science and technology have not yet developed to the so-called level 1 planet level in the universe that can fully utilize the earth's energy. It is currently estimated that it will take about 300 years. Even if it develops to level 1 planet, it is only the lowest level in the universe. Human beings have made rapid progress in science and technology in the past 200 years, and it now only reach to level of about 0.7. Therefore, the so-called promotion of new energy to reduce carbon emissions is nothing more than an imposing behavior under political correctness. 

Western countries have already got rid of manufacturing and turned to financial trade and high-tech development. The carbon emission problem is not serious. Now it is nothing more than to transfer the pressure to developing and newly industrialized countries. The so-called energy vehicles are basically commercial operations. By stopping the development of biochemical energy vehicles, consumers are forced to switch to new energy vehicles, creating a huge international new energy vehicle market. 

After the development of human science and technology for two hundred years of devastating the environment, now it is finally beginning to pay attention to the protection of the environment. However, as far as the current level of technological development is concerned, there is still no strength to comprehensively manage the environment. We must still wait for hundreds of years for technology and science reach to a certain level, and the key is that the speed of technological development must be quicker enough than the environment is completely destroyed, and there cannot have a big regression, such as a full-scale nuclear war.

Yuri Murakami





香港病例是一名36歲、近日去過南非的人,他1111日返回香港,接著在飯店隔離時病毒檢測「陰轉陽」確診。倫敦大學學院(University College London)計算系統生物學教授暨基因研究所所長弗朗索瓦·巴盧克斯(Francois Balloux)警告,「B.1.1.529」具有成為「最猛烈變種病毒」的潛力,比目前全球主流的Delta變種還可怕。東英吉利大學微生物學家大衛·利弗莫爾((David Livermore)表示,「B.1.1.529」具有「非常廣泛」的突變組合,增加了逃脫疫苗的風險。


2021年11月25日 星期四

Trump became a karate black belt to fight back to the White House


Former U.S. President Trump received the honorary black belt ninth-dan award from Korea’s World Taekwondo Headquarters "Kukkiwon". He also said that after he regained his position in the White House, he planned to go to Congress in a black belt uniform. The Dean of the Korean National Institute of Technology Lee Dong-seop visited Trump at the private club Mar-a-Lago and presented Trump with a nine-stage certificate of honor, a taekwondo suit and a black belt. Trump laughed and said that it was a great honor to receive this honor, and described Taekwondo as "a great martial art to protect yourself in this era." He also said that after he regained the White House, he planned to wear a taekwondo suit to Congress.  

Recently, the former leaders of the Republican Party have suddenly changed their image. Both Pompeo and Trump have begun to lose weight. They look weird after drastically reducing their weight, and even show new images on social media pictures. The main purpose is naturally to make active preparations for the next election and show that he is healthy and capable of running for the election. Pompeo will be an important figure in the Republican Party's future elections, but the main goal is still Trump. After all, Biden is already nearly 80. Relatively speaking, although Trump is over 70, he is much healthier than the former. Biden has always been described as poor health, slow response, and even Alzheimer's. 

But from the perspective of Biden's current administration, there is really no sluggishness, especially in the constant open and undercover actions with competitors, showing the skill of a mature politician. Biden has more than three years in office. Whether the Republican Party has a chance to make a comeback is difficult to say. The most important thing is to blend with competitors and how to restore the economy. The control of the epidemic is secondary. 

What's interesting is that many of Biden's current measures are imitating competitors, such as stimulating the economy through domestic infrastructure construction, and secretly conveying and blending interests with the rival. Now the United States, like its opponents, focuses its energy on the country.  If the relationship between the two parties can be restored to the previous track, even in the case of fighting but not breaking, it will be difficult to say that Trump and the Republican party will be re-elected in time. If Trump insists on going his own way, he still has to confront huge underground forces hidden in the United States, which can even influence the US election, control the media and even dominate the flow of campaign funds. 

Therefore, the future star of the Republican Party is Pompeo, and Trump has completed his historical mission as a transitional figure.


ukie Kawamura









2021年11月24日 星期三







2021年11月23日 星期二

Ui Mita


"Seven Steps" poem burst out as Musk keep launching the Rockets


On November 13, SpaceX’s Falcon 9 heavy rocket completed its 25th launch this year. Now for SpaceX, this has become a routine job like driving a commuter car. 

Musk was looking for Russia to help launch the rocket. At that time, he only brought 1 million US dollars but was ridiculed by the other party. The minimum cost was 30 million US dollars. In the end, Musk started to develop the rocket himself.  Now he has become the richest man in the world. His recyclable multi-purpose reusable rocket technology has changed the way humans explore the universe. What's interesting is that the sales of his electric cars were suppressed in a big country earlier. This kind of pediatric farce lasted not long. Everyone knows who is behind the scenes. 

Musk's original agreement was to share electric vehicle technology with local companies four years later. His rocket launch technology, vacuum train, unmanned driving, ground drilling equipment and many other advanced technologies are all dreams of the other party. Being suppressed is nothing more than "Starlink" has begun to use, and will soon be completed. In this way, the other party’s network blockade is in vain. In fact, local companies have begun to sell satellite receivers, so an agreement must be reached with Musk that certain technical equipment cannot be used locally. 

In addition, the so-called 5G base station, which the other party has invested more than 2 trillion in construction, has actually become meaningless. Because information can be transmitted directly through satellites, communications will no longer be marked with G in the future, and Musk has even begun to sell mobile phones. Therefore, the other party put forward various requests to restrict the development of Musk's technology in the local area. Therefore, he recently posted the "Seven Steps" poem in foreign language on the Internet that alluded to this matter.

2021年11月22日 星期一

Yuri Murakami





但是13日清晨的發射場景有些不同。由於安排在日出後不久的時間點發射,又遇到罕見的大霧天氣,獵鷹9號火箭在雲霧之上發射升空的景象猶如科幻電影中的場景。在此之前,SpaceX一年最多的發射紀錄是2020年,一共完成了26次發射任務。今年,1113日的任務之後,該公司已經安排好的發射任務至少還有5個。接下來第一個是美國宇航局(NASA)用飛船撞擊小行星、嘗試推轉其軌道的任務—雙小行星重新定向測試(Double Asteroid Redirection Test,簡稱DART),定於本月23日在加州範登堡太空部隊基地發射升空。之後,12月還有獵鷹9號火箭從佛州發射的4項任務:下一批的星鏈衛星、NASAX射線IXPE天文望遠鏡、土耳其Turksat5B通訊衛星,以及前往國際太空站的一趟貨運補給任務。這些任務加在一起,SpaceX今年將完成30次發射任務。




2021年11月19日 星期五

Hitomi Aizawa


The epidemic is the last weight to crush mankind after the turn of the century


The method of controlling the epidemic to zero is also considered a last resort, and it is not clear about the global spread under the one country's personal leadership. It is better to simply shut down the city and collect passports without causing trouble outside. The recent hoarding of food, vegetables and daily necessities is actually for epidemic prevention. After all, the epidemic has begun to spread again. According to past experience, it repeats every two months. A little looser will inevitably cause the virus to spread again. Europe and the United States think that the vaccinations can be relaxed after being vaccinated. It is also silly that relying on continuous vaccinations alone cannot prevent the epidemic completely. Moreover, the virus itself is still undergoing constant mutation.  

Therefore, it should be said that a proper lockdown is necessary. The problem is that the supporting work during the period must be kept up, otherwise it will inevitably make it difficult to guarantee the basic lives of the people. This practice of coexisting with viruses is not worth promoting, because this epidemic may not have occurred in nature as in the past, and even now that the source is not clear, it is difficult to make effective targeted epidemic prevention measures. With the spread of the epidemic, the medical systems of all countries are difficult to load, and many countries are even in danger of being close to collapse. Therefore, the epidemic will not end in 1-2 years under optimistic estimates. This epidemic will also have a significant impact in human history. 

This is not only a problem of medical and health, disaster and epidemic prevention, but also has developed into a major issue of international politics, economy and diplomacy. From the trade war to the global plague, international relations have undergone tremendous changes in the past few years, and it has become a tit-for-tat confrontation between the two camps. As long as the epidemic continues, it will not be possible to achieve a comprehensive relation cut-off, and it will only produce a greater and deeper degree of dependence; as long as the epidemic continues, it will not be possible to complete the removal of a comprehensive industrial chain; as long as the epidemic continues, there will be no full-scale ideological war.  

As long as the epidemic continues, it is impossible to stop the blending and secret transactions among various forces; as long as the epidemic continues, the status quo of the division of labor and cooperation in the world economy cannot be changed; as long as the epidemic continues, the globalization pattern developed after the Cold War cannot be changed. It is impossible for the two major groups to engage in a full-scale confrontation. As long as the epidemic continues, the objective fact that the national strength of European and American countries continues to be weakened will not change; as long as the epidemic continues, the United States will not be able to use all its forces to fight against its opponents.  

Now that international politics, diplomacy, and economy have expanded to ideology, the final result of the so-called Murphy’s Law under many uncertain factors is a critical arrival, and an unforeseen worst result will definitely occur. The epidemic is the last weight to crush mankind after the turn of the century.




美國黑鳥偵察機使用衝壓發動機,最快能達到3.2馬赫,這是目前在大氣層內飛行的速度極限。美國的無人驗證機 X4335,000米的高空曾達到9.7馬赫。殲-40不僅要超過 F-22黑鳥,還要超過世界紀錄。東風21飛彈只有8馬赫,東風175馬赫,導彈竟然比飛機慢。媒體稱殲-40能實現全天候作戰,作戰半徑覆蓋全球,赤道長度大概是40,000公里,殲-40作戰半徑達到20,000公里,搜狐的一篇報導提到,殲-40最大航程七千多公里,最大速度3.2馬赫,將在2021年首飛2025年服役。另一篇報導稱殲-40將會裝備電磁炮。

美國的無人驗證機 X43的所謂10馬赫,實際上是裝在飛彈上在飛行過程中再發射,飛彈早就超過音速了。安裝地磁炮解決不了能量的問題,因為要顧及飛行所需要的燃料,電磁炮的能量消耗非常高。特別是殲-20目前連超音速巡航都做不到。2021年首飛可能過於樂觀了,目前甚至殲-20還沒有完全量產。飛機本身與美國隱形戰機相比還是有很多不足之處的,因為安裝原本俄羅斯的發動機因此機動性能還是不錯的,但只能做到正面隱形不能達到全隱形的效果,不能超音速巡航,不能超視距攻擊,飛機複合材料比率低,體型過大不利隱形,航電設備與歐美相距甚遠,發動機落後等等。俄羅斯的AL-41發動機尚未出口,而且烏克蘭現在又停止了發動機的出口,所以飛機發動機問題解決成疑。



2021年11月18日 星期四

The US boycott of the Winter Olympics is just like blue cheese


The Washington Post columnist said that the US government will soon announce a diplomatic boycott of the Winter Olympics, but at the same time it will not affect the participation of national athletes. Although the administration has not made this technically, it has submitted a formal proposal to Biden, and he is expected to approve it before the end of November. 

Biden's current policy is to constantly give in to opponents, and recently removed media restrictions and restored the opponent's journalist visa. Due to his opponent's tough stance in recent years, he adopted a prudential policy after he came to power, verbally suppressing, actual concessions and constantly giving gifts. Although the establishment of a strategic partnership between the two countries after the Cold War is a basic national policy of the United States, and followed the path of common prosperity and has been sought after for many years. 

However, the relationship between the two countries has deteriorated due to the sudden change of the Trump policy, although the so-called trade war is aimed at Europe, Japan, Mexico and other countries, not just suppressing one country. In fact, if it were not for the radical diplomacy after the outbreak, Trump would actually be happy to see the end of the trade war, and he held a grand celebration, and believed that this was beneficial to his re-election campaign, and it was his major achievements. 

It is still too early to hope that the Republican Party will come to power in the next election, and it is even more wishful thinking that Trump will return as soon as possible. Biden's four-year tenure is still quite long. Just looking at his foreign policy against opponents, we know that criticizing him for Alzheimer's is too arbitrary. Continuous compromise and concessions are a means of mature politicians, and only full contact between the two sides will have an impact. Trump is not a professional politician but an amateur, and the same was true for his opponents at the time. 

And now the opponent is facing an experienced politician, and the United States will never give all its energy to the outside world until the epidemic has completely subsided. Penetration with competitors is also two-sided, and the influence of the United States is also huge for competitors. The opponent can use all the hidden power in the United States, and eventually even change the outcome of political choices. In fact, this can also happen in other countries, and the United States may be the most proficient country in the world. 

The deteriorating relations between the two countries under the Trump must be restored, and the first thing to do is to rebuild the channels of contact between the two sides. The US strategy is to continue to give gifts and compromises. The influence can only be exerted after full contact is restored. Under this policy, the so-called boycott of the Winter Olympics is nothing more than a formal previous promise not to change the rival's political status. Boycott is similar to the blue cheese, it is truly smell bad but the other side is eating this good.

Asami Kondou








