
2024年8月26日 星期一












熟女 - Yui Natsuki 夏来唯


2024年8月22日 星期四














2024年8月14日 星期三



儘管人們認為新冠已經是過去式,世界衛生組織(WHO)813日指出至少84個國家的疫情正在升溫,包括美洲、歐亞部分地區,連近期的巴黎奧運都有許多選手檢測陽性。美國的病毒監測指標已經出現警訊,但目前疏於檢測及接種疫苗,可能醞釀出更危險的病毒變種。《華盛頓郵報》報導,世衛流行病學家范科霍芙(Maria Van Kerkhove)表示,新冠疫苗覆蓋率如此之低,如果有更嚴重的變異出現,那麼高危險群非常有可能患重症。


美國醫院協會(American Hospital Association)病人安全政策副總佛斯特(Nancy Foster)表示加州一些醫院報告稱新冠住院人數高於預期,患者住院時間比最近幾波疫情更長。當局可以監控因新冠而住院或死亡的病例,但準確追蹤病例總數是個艱難挑戰,因為許多人感染病毒後選擇不檢測、不接受醫療護理。由於缺乏總病例數據,研究人員也難以評估這波疫情變種的嚴重程度。



2024年8月13日 星期二

熟女 - 一花美沙 - Misa Ichibana


Ukrainian raids Kursk, Putin is confused about who invaded whom now


Ukraine has suddenly invaded Russia's Kursk Region and has broken through dozens of kilometers of defenses and is now starting to build fortifications. The long-disturbed Ukrainian summer offensive has officially begun, but in an unexpected way. It would not be an exaggeration to call this attack an invasion, as the Kursk region was famous for the Soviet-German tank battles of World War II, and it is politically unfavorable for Russia to invade a country that has been invading Ukraine for more than two years, but is now being invaded by the enemy instead. 

For the United States, even if Trump came to power to force Ukraine to peace talks, if you can hold on to Kursk, undoubtedly the future of an additional bargaining chip. From a military point of view the so-called surprise attack emphasizes the strength of the attack, the speed and suddenness, and does not require too many personnel, if the gap is opened smoothly, you can then according to the specific circumstances to strengthen the personnel and equipment is not a problem, and the fact that the Ukrainian army is also so operated, and now there are already more troops into the war.


The Chechen troops that were defending the area only made a token stand and then retreated, and the new recruits that were stationed there, who were not capable of fighting, surrendered. Therefore, the suddenness of this offensive achieved unexpected results, and several hundred square kilometers of land were captured in a very short period of time. There are nuclear facilities and power plants, as well as a natural gas pipeline hub to Europe, which would be very favorable to the Ukrainian army if they took control of the area. Russia did not expect the Ukrainian army to take the initiative to attack its own territory. It would take at least 1-2 weeks for troops to be sent back from the Northern Military District and the front, but now tens of thousands of troops have been mobilized from all over the country and are on their way to Kursk in a hurry. The Ukrainians are building fortifications and deploying more troops, as well as ground armor, rockets, anti-aircraft missiles, and drones, so the siege is a certainty. 

The Russian army is now reinforced by civilian vehicles from the road, not even tanks and armored vehicles and heavy equipment, short-term expulsion of the Ukrainian army is likely to have a certain degree of difficulty. At least a few main divisions and armaments from the front line would be needed to cope with this sneak attack, but this would lead to a break in the battle line. Although the Russians have a numerical advantage in fighting a battle of attrition in the front line, it would be difficult for the Ukrainians to gain an advantage, and it would be detrimental to the Russians to move from a battle of positions to a battle of movement.


Kursk is only 500 kilometers away from Moscow, it doesn't take too long to use road armor to advance, and it took Prigogine only a few days to force Moscow. Although the Ukrainian army doesn't have any sign of hitting Moscow yet, it is inevitable that they will force the Russians to divide their forces through the war of movement by opening up a new battlefield. The Ukrainian army's main target is still Crimea, and it can launch an attack at any time. Kursk can be attacked both in and out, and if the Russians split their forces, they can attack Crimea, and the air defense facilities there have basically been cleared, the Black Sea fleet has been withdrawn, and the air bases have been cleared, so as long as they cut off the land and sea traffic, they will be able to achieve their goal. 

It is now up to the Ukrainian army to take the next step. The summer offensive into Kursk is not only a surprise, but also puts a lot of pressure on the Russian army. If the Russians slow down, the Ukrainians will expand their attack area, and if they try to divert their troops to help them, it will relieve the pressure on the eastern part of the country. If they keep sending a limited number of troops to rescue them, they will be gradually eliminated by the Ukrainians.


The political pressure on Vladimir Putin is also very great now, as Ukraine's successful sneak attack will open up other new wars, and the Russian army, with its own armament depletion, is basically unable to do anything about Ukraine's equipment advantage, and is not capable of effectively coping with it at all. And Ukraine is gradually gaining air superiority, so for the reinforcement of Kursk is more difficult, the face of the Ukrainian army equipped with Seamaster, F-16, drones, ground armor and other advanced equipment, how to rescue Kursk is a big problem, Putin KGB origin will not be unaware of the Kasimov claimed to have solved the Ukrainian army's lies. But how to deal with the invasion of Russia is indeed a new problem for Putin.


2024年8月12日 星期一












2024年8月8日 星期四

円ちゃみ Madoka Chami


Either Trump is assassinated and the war continues, or Zelensky is killed and the war ends

 Zelensky held a welcoming ceremony for the newly arrived F-16s. The newly arrived fighters are not even painted, but labelled as Ukraine's new fighters, and it is estimated that by the end of the year, there will be 20 fighters, and the total number of the fighters has already exceeded 100, not including the other models donated by the European countries in the future. In fact, for Ukraine, how many fighters can be satisfied, not counting the various types of fighters produced in Europe, that is, the United States retired and sealed fighters there are thousands, as for the pilots, the West has already made it clear that it can be resolved through the recruitment of volunteer pilots. 


Therefore, the F-16s are just a cover, and the announcement of the official participation in the war is to observe Russia's subsequent reaction. If, as always, it is a verbal nuclear threat, then the increase in the number of follow-on fighters will be accelerated. If Russia overreacts, then the opposite will happen. Therefore, there is no doubt that Ukraine will gain air superiority in the future, and the timing will be completely controlled by Europe and the US. 


For Ukraine, apart from the uncertainty of Donald Trump, there is no question of the war continuing in any other way. Funding and ammunition continue to be replenished, more advanced and targeted weapons continue to flow in, and the two sides are now at a stalemate, with neither side able to make any more progress on the battlefield. At this point in the Russian-Ukrainian war, the most important thing for all parties is the final result of the US election, which will have a decisive impact on the course of the war. However, it is certain that the war will continue for a long time, and even if the United States withdraws from Europe and responds independently, it is still capable of continuing the war. Russian now it is merely using its relative advantages in firepower and troops to confront the Ukrainian army through battle of the line. 


The situation for Ukraine is that with the European and American remote-attack weapons and drones, they can conduct remote-attacks on important targets such as military facilities, energy production, arsenals, military warehouses, transportation hubs, command centers, etc. in the Russian hinterland, and make use of the equipment advantage to focus on attacking the Russian air defense system and various types of aero planes of the Air Force, so as to continue to weaken the Russian Air Force's equipment and combat power, even though they are restricted by Europe and the United States at present. Even under the current restrictions imposed by Europe and the United States, good results have been achieved. 


The previously expected summer offensives of both sides did not start, the Russian army was affected by the setback of the Kharkov offensive, while the Ukrainians kept their eyes on Crimea. Now that the Black Sea fleet has fled, the air defense system near Crimea has been hit repeatedly, and there is no technical problem to cut off the land traffic between the Kerch Bridge and Crimea, and the F-16s are already in place. The Ukrainian army is now building up its strength to further deplete the enemy and then launch an attack on Crimea at the critical time. As long as recover Crimea, it means a political victory. 


The so-called 10-plus years of Russian-Ukrainian border conflicts that led to the final outbreak of the war originally originated from Crimea, and the real purpose of the Russian invasion of the three eastern states of Ukraine is to link up with Crimea on land, so that they can control the sea port facing Europe. This is also the reason why Russia fought with Turkey for many years over Crimea, and the so-called NATO eastward expansion is just an excuse. As long as it controls Crimea and its eastern states, Russia can not only ensure the safety of Crimea, but also annex Ukraine and Poland, which has been annihilated many times in history, as the next step. 


Russia's war resources are over-consumed, in the current national military production system is impossible to make up for it, relying on foreign allies, ammunition and equipment, although it can solve the immediate emergency, but the main thing is still to see the Russian army in the battlefield whether it can achieve a decisive advantage. However, from the current situation, it seems that Russia has only gained some sporadic tactical advantages at most. And the most important thing is to look at Russia's subsequent war trend, from the present point of view there is no clear direction, completely is the state of fighting and watching. Putin can do nothing to reverse the current stalemate, both sides believe that long-term war consumption is inevitable, as long as the parties can maintain the situation is already an acceptable result. 


The final change in the course of the war or depend on the results of the U.S. election, such as Trump came to power in order to help Russia get rid of passive, he will certainly take extreme measures to end the war in the name of the Ukraine to carry out the suppression, if Zelensky refused to comply, or even become the focus of the target, and Russia will become the biggest beneficiary, not only can Putin maintain permanent rule, from the recent Russian armistice offer chip From the recent Russian offer of a truce, as long as the conditions for the so-called co-rule of Crimea are met, the two sides will be able to start subsequent negotiations.


Trump has a lot of means to put pressure on Ukraine. In the long run, Russia will definitely lose if the war between Russia and Ukraine continues, but if Trump is elected, the ultimate losers will be Ukraine and Europe. Now that the election is approaching, there are more than one sniper rifle aimed at Trump. As long as he is in power again, it will definitely lead to the fact that he will never have another full 4 years.