
2024年6月5日 星期三

The most crucial factor of the Russia-Ukraine war is still Putin‘s health


The Russian offensive in Kharkiv has been defeated, and the Ukrainian army has even launched a local counterattack. Putin, in order to garner support from allies, had no choice but to launch the Kharkiv offensive. This is more of a political battle than a military one. Relying on the forces of five divisions to try to capture Kharkiv is unrealistic, especially considering that the city could not be taken even when Russia had the advantage at the beginning of the war. The key question is: what is the purpose of attacking Kharkiv? If the goal is to occupy the city, then it would require surrounding it, which cannot be achieved with the current limited forces. If the aim is to eliminate or severely damage the defending forces, the best approach would be to lure them out and engage outside the city rather than in urban warfare. Currently, the Russian military strategy seems to lack a clear objective.

Choosing Kharkiv is primarily due to its proximity to the Russian border, allowing for a firepower offensive from within Russian territory. However, the outcome has led to the West agreeing for Ukraine to use its weapons to launch attacks on Russian soil, which has backfired on Russia. As Russia can freely attack Ukraine, Ukraine can retaliate with superior quality. This shift will fundamentally change the situation on the Russia-Ukraine battlefield. Ukraine is transitioning from a strategic defensive phase to a strategic offensive phase, while Russia's position is becoming more passive. 

The Russian military's manpower and firepower advantages will be constrained, and if major attacks hit Russia's energy, transportation, military, and civilian facilities, it could cause panic among the population who have not yet felt the full impact of the war, making governance more difficult for Putin. Striking Russian mainland becomes an effective way for Ukraine to curb Russian attacks, essentially playing a "tit-for-tat" game. As long as Russia attacks Ukrainian military or civilian infrastructure, Ukraine will respond in kind, reducing the intensity of Russian attacks.

Overall, even if Ukraine gains a certain military advantage in the future, it will not shorten the duration of the war. Both sides have accepted the direction of a prolonged conflict. Putin hopes to prolong the war as much as possible, while the West aims to exhaust Russia over the long term. The war will only end in the short term if the Russian military suffers a complete defeat, which would threaten Putin's rule. As long as Putin remains in power, the war will continue. Russia's initial strategic goal was to occupy all of Ukraine, but now it aims to hold the territories it has seized, which requires continuous military investment. Given Russia's population, abundant resources, and ability to support a medium-scale limited war, sustaining such a war is not impossible in the short term but will inevitably lead to Russia's collapse in the long run.

The current issue is how long the Russian military can hold out under increasing Western support for Ukraine. The war has evolved from a high-tech conflict at the beginning to trench warfare reminiscent of World Wars I and II. With the gradual introduction of Western weapons and direct involvement of NATO forces, the conflict is likely to return to high-tech warfare. Russia currently lacks the basic requirements for fighting a fully high-tech war solely based on its military capabilities. The much-touted high-tech Russian weaponry has proved inadequate in the war.

Russia now relies on ground weapons left over from the Cold War era and traditional manpower tactics. These war resources are gradually depleting and will eventually run out. Russia's current military capabilities cannot be replenished through production to sustain the war. Even with support from neighboring countries, it can only delay the depletion of resources. Eventually, the war will naturally end as resources are exhausted. The West does not want a quick end to the war as it aims to consume Russia's war resources – in essence, its national strength. After three years of war, Russia's military capabilities have significantly declined, losing its position as the world's second military superpower. If given enough time, the Russian military will naturally be depleted, leading to the collapse of Putin's regime and potentially the fragmentation of Russia once again.

For Russia's biggest allies, continuously supporting until the collapse is not wise. After Russia's downfall, the "Super NATO Alliance" led by the United States will ultimately target its competitors. While the overall strength of the competitors far exceeds that of Russia, they too will face a gradual erosion across all fronts over time. Therefore, the most prudent choice for competitors is to abandon Russia at the opportune moment. After decades of effective development under wise leadership that cooperated with the West, the competitor currently lacks most is the wisdom it once possessed.


上杉智世 Tomoyo Uesugi

















「我們希望能幫助那些因為牙齒缺失或缺乏而受苦的人,」研究負責人Katsu Takahashi說道,他是北野醫院牙科和口腔外科的負責人。「雖然迄今為止還沒有能提供永久性治療的方法,但我們感覺人們對牙齒再生的期望很高。」在這11個月的第一階段試驗之後,研究人員將對27歲、因先天性牙齒缺失而至少缺失四顆牙齒的患者進行藥物測試,這種情況估計影響到1%的人群。研究團隊正在為這一階段的試驗招募志願者。




上杉智世 Tomoyo Uesugi


2024年6月4日 星期二

河合明日菜 河合あすな Asuna Kawai


Russia can be attacked by Ukraine without restrictions and no receipt


Several Western countries have lifted restrictions on using weapons against Russia's mainland. Although the United States has proposed certain conditions, it has indirectly relaxed restrictions on Ukraine using weapons. Almost simultaneously, Ukrainian forces have utilized advanced Western weaponry to launch attacks on Russian mainland, leading to the collapse of Russia's so-called "Kharkiv Offensive." 

As the second largest city closest to the north of Russia, Russian forces have gathered firepower to initiate an attack on Kharkiv. Previously, due to restrictions on using weapons, Ukraine could not utilize Western weaponry to attack Russian mainland, resulting in a passive defensive situation. Moreover, with inadequate ammunition supply, the defense forces were struggling. However, the situation has completely changed now.

Ukrainian forces have transitioned from a passive state to actively using advanced Western weapons for offensive operations. With the deployment of F-16s, Russia, which already lacked superiority in the air and intelligence, will now face even more challenges. Large-scale ground offensives leveraging armor advantages will be thwarted, and troop concentrations conducting localized trench warfare will be targeted by air power. 

Particularly, with NATO countries led by France deploying ground forces for combat, even though they have not directly engaged in fighting against Russia yet, the scale of subsequent forces will continue to increase. While they may initially focus on defensive, support, training, and logistical roles, direct combat is inevitable. In fact, Poland and the Baltic States are already preparing for direct involvement, and Russia lacks the capability to prevent Western countries from joining the conflict. Just as Russia can attack Ukraine using weapons and ammunition from North Korea and Iran, the West can retaliate in kind.

While Russia may deploy mercenaries from abroad to attack Ukraine, Western countries can directly send troops into combat. In fact, Western military forces have been deeply involved in the Russia-Ukraine war under various pretexts. The start of Ukraine's summer offensive is clearly marked by the arrival of F-16s to execute combat missions. The nearly one hundred F-16s currently present are just the beginning, with additional NATO aircraft like Typhoons, Rafales, and F-15s gradually joining the fray, and supposedly retired Western pilots directly engaging in combat. 

Given Ukraine's current shortage of pilots, it is impractical to rapidly train their air force to operate advanced Western fighter jets. Thus, the ultimate development will likely involve direct NATO air force participation in combat, rendering the current training of Ukrainian pilots merely a formality. The primary goal of Ukraine's summer offensive is Crimea, the root cause of the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Historical involvement in Crimea includes the UK, France, and Germany, and history appears to be repeating itself.

Once Ukraine establishes air superiority, the nature of the conflict will fundamentally change. As NATO's direct involvement deepens and with ample ammunition and reinforcements alongside advanced weaponry, the Russia-Ukraine conflict is poised to enter a new phase. Currently, the only concern for the West is the attitude of the only neighboring major power on which Russia relies. Whether this country ultimately deploys troops directly into the conflict remains uncertain. If the situation escalates to this point, a world war may become difficult to avoid. 

However, this is a matter of extreme concern for the country's leadership, as authorizing military action and potentially losing control over the troops could pose a significant threat to the regime. The direction in which armed forces are pointed is not easily controlled by those in power. Moreover, with recent crackdowns and extreme shifts in domestic and foreign policies, unpredictable changes are likely to occur once hostilities begin.

