
2024年8月7日 星期三

天使萌 、 天使もえ、 Moe Amatsuka













Trump said recent U.S. stock market crash was caused by old & ugly woman Harris


Trump attacked Kamala Devi Harris, claiming that the recent plunge in the U.S. stock market is caused by her, objectively speaking, Trump can attack her content is not much, before the repeated targeting of Biden's old age and senility Alzheimer's, simply cannot cope with the next term of office, but now the situation is completely reversed, Trump has lost the age advantage, he is already 78 years of age , the so-called age advantage of a few years has instead become a disadvantage. In addition, the recent shooting is just the beginning, the future development is expected to shoot at him will not be ordinary small-caliber rifles, but a professional sniper gun. 


Kamala Devi Harris is a black woman, a descendant of immigrants, an ethnic minority, a middle-aged woman, divorced, with little experience in politics and almost no track record, but she has the votes of black, ethnic minority and immigrant families, as well as the support of the Democratic Party's traditional forces. The U.S. presidential election has always been based on publicity rather than political performance, and how many people favored Trump when he ran against Hillary, and the U.S. election was also manipulated by overseas secret power. Now that the Democrats and Republicans are evenly matched, it's all about the votes in the swing states, and she has raised even more money for her campaign than Trump. 


Biden, on the other hand, has withdrawn from the race in a dignified manner, which is a plus for the Democrats in terms of voters. Attacking his opponent for having no political record and no experience, how much Trump had before the first election. After Trump took office, he initiated a trade war to break the balance of international trade maintained since the development of globalization, and the so-called unilateralism, "America is strong again" is just a stupid slogan, the U.S. has never weakened after World War II, and the U.S. is the original promoter and developer of globalization. The promise to move the manufacturing industry back to the United States is unrealistic, impossible and unachievable.


Although the economy of the United States has developed quite well during his term of office, the consequence of initiating the trade war has led to the epidemic war, which has dealt a heavy blow to the economy of the whole world, and eventually led to the failure of Trump's re-election. If he is re-elected with his strong intervention, the two-year war between Russia and Ukraine, which began in 2004 with a border conflict between the two countries, will be brought to an end, and the NATO system that was built during the Cold War will indirectly collapse. Pointing the finger at the so-called biggest competitor of the U.S. would provoke a strong reaction from the other side, and the world would again face disaster in the next epidemic. It's not easy to defeat a competitor in a 4-year term. 


At the same time, Putin's government actually succeeded in its plot after Russia started the war, and the competitor and Russia are the biggest allies, and the suppression of the U.S. will inevitably lead to a full-scale retaliation, and so the Middle East, the South China Sea, Middle Asia, the Taiwan Straits, Ukraine, the Korean Peninsula, Central and South America, and so on, and all the centralized governments and terrorists are uniting to launch a full-scale unlimit war on the United States. To launch a full-scale unlimited war, the whole world will be on fire from new epidemics to tactical nuclear weapons, from terrorist attacks to full-scale war invasions, from destroying the city's power system to hacking attacks on satellite networks, from a new round of epidemic viruses to attacks on the world's financial system, and so on, the full-scale war of unlimited attacks on all levels will make the U.S. exhausted and difficult to cope with.


As the NATO military system, which had been reactivated in the Russian-Ukrainian war, collapsed again due to Trump's intervention, a crisis of trust arose between the U.S., Europe and other Indo-Pacific countries, and the entire Western society was thrown into chaos by mutual suspicion. As a result, the global military conflict will no longer be limited by localized wars, and weapons of mass destruction, including strategic nuclear weapons, will be the first to be used by dictatorship countries, and a global nuclear war will be inevitable with mutual retaliation, and it is Trump's extreme policies that will trigger the nuclear weapons switch. After the end of World War II, mankind experienced decades of Cold War. With the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War, globalization led to the development of the world's economy, and the world as a whole enjoyed several decades of peace, although regional wars continued to break out.


However, as a madman in the United States gained power with the secret support of Russia, he kept destroying the peace structure formed through globalization since the Cold War and engaged in extreme unilateralism in the name of the so-called "America is strong again" by destroying the world trade order. Although it is necessary to launch a trade war to suppress the world's largest dictatorship government, the world can hardly afford to pay a heavy price for it. Moreover, Russia, which Trump supports in waging war and threatening world peace by destroying the security order in Europe, is not sanctioned as a similar dictatorship, and is helping Putin to stay in power for the rest of his life at the expense of Ukraine losing its territory. This will not make the United States greater, but will result in the exact opposite.

Trump will not be able to change the world order if he takes power again for only 4 years. He will utilize the power of the US state to take extreme measures, which will inevitably lead to failure, and the hegemony of the US as the defender of the world order built up after the World War II will be lost, and the US will become a second-rate country in the world, which will be consumed repeatedly in the various kinds of unlimited wars in the world. Human beings need long-term peace, especially after the end of the Cold War, which is not easy to come by. The relatively stable world economic development and prosperity in the past few decades should be sustained, and the world needs time to make adjustments, and it is the general trend to maintain stability. 


Any radical policy after Trump's reelection is bound to trigger a fatal counterattack, and the next time he is shot at in a public speech or infected with the virus again. Without Russia's support, Trump's campaign is not a easy thing this time, and even if he is re-elected, it's not clear if he will survive in his four-year term, either.


2024年8月6日 星期二

宇佐美舞 宇佐美まい Mai Usami
















2024年8月2日 星期五
















一花美沙 Misa Ichibana


2024年7月23日 星期二

Biden is too old and Trump is too noisy but being loud can help dodge bullets


Biden was pressured to drop out and is now being replaced by Kamala Devi Harris, or was it just a few days ago that Biden still insisted he would not drop out, but even now the change in attitude is not surprising. The main reason for this is twofold. Firstly, Biden's poor performance in the live broadcast of the debate with Trump was incoherent, and it should be noted that the debate was entirely controlled and organised by the Democratic Party, and the result was not that there was a superiority or inferiority between the two in terms of the content of the debate, but it was entirely due to Biden's answers that made the outside world think that he was not suitable for re-election due to his health problems, and ultimately triggered the pressure of the Democrats to force him to withdraw.


It is important to understand that a poor performance in one debate is not worth mentioning, and several other more appropriate debates can be arranged. But if Biden is physically unable to perform his duties, then a replacement is inevitable, but given that a change of general is too urgent with only a few months to go, it would not be in the interest of the Democratic Party to force him to drop out of the race just because of a single poor debate performance. Now that Biden's withdrawal is a fact, the internal pressure for him to withdraw has always existed from an objective point of view, but it is only now that it has finally exploded, otherwise the Democrats would never have taken the risk at such a sensitive moment.


Another important factor is that Trump's assassination incident, although it was a surprise, but the shock caused by the big, the shooter's bullet as long as a little more biased will hit his head, so even if it is not fatal, but also absolutely no possibility of re-election. The problem is that even now the Democrats and Republicans are still evenly matched in the election, and in the end it all comes down to the swing states. Biden is too old and Trump is too loud. If Biden were younger, he would have no problem getting re-elected, and if Trump were more careful with his words, he would have a good chance of getting re-elected. Age isn't the key, it's health. Reagan was very old but became the greatest president of all time. It's also not a problem if you don't speak out of turn. Who doesn't say something out of turn before a presidential campaign?


The point is that Trump's shooting is so timely that it may provoke Americans to upset the current balance of power in the race. Kamala's record is far from being comparable to that of the experienced Biden, but she has been able to absorb the votes of some women, minorities and immigrants. Americans' electoral will and order is to elect a black man to replace the white president, then a woman to replace the black president, and a minority to replace the woman, and eventually a transgender person to replace the minority, and then return to the normal electoral order. As for the so-called political performance and platform, Americans do not care. The US electoral system is already full of loopholes and extremely backward, and since the US political system has relative advantages as a guarantee, even if a fool is elected, the basic operation of the country can still be maintained. Donald Trump himself is an excellent example. Before he was elected, a significant portion of the American people did not perceive him as much better than a fool.


The US presidential election has never been solely an American affair, and it is a country that has been subject to very serious interference from outside forces, especially in recent decades with the spread of globalisation. Trump was elected with the support of Russia, and Biden with the help of his rivals. Now Russia has been suppressed but the competitors still have strength, so Trump until now have made it clear that he wants to immediately end the Russian-Ukrainian war and turn to suppress the competitors, is that he knows that Russia can still play a role in his re-election campaign, if the competitors to get a head start, Biden was elected, then he will certainly have no hope of re-election, and competitors and Russia and the alliance, through the end of the war as a bargaining chip By ending the war as a bargaining chip, Biden will be able to make Russia sell out its allies and help him in his re-election campaign, which is the best bargaining chip he can offer.


This will help Putin not to disclose the evidence that he was helped by Russia to win the election. This is why Putin has repeatedly told the Western media that the biggest enemy of Europe and the US is “the competitor, not Russia, because he has long been confident that Trump's re-election campaign would change the course of the war, and has therefore gone out of his way to offend his competitors by publicly stating his position to the West. The Democrats can't stop Trump's growing campaign, and since the bullets aren't hitting the target, there's not much else they can do unless the same thing happens again, and if they still don't hit the target, Trump will surely be back in the White House.


Of course, in the current situation, even if Trump escaped the assassination, but also does not show that he has gained a clear advantage, the respective support for the Democrats and Republicans of the state has not changed much, and ultimately still have to look at the swing state's electoral votes. After the shooting incident, the Democratic Party can be said to be quite decisive in replacing Biden, on He Jinli, although too hasty, but also a desperate move, if not Biden's sudden incoherence in the debate, as long as to cope with the past Trump want to be elected again this is not easy. Now that the election situation has become more complicated, it cannot be said that Trump will definitely be elected, and the subsequent development still needs to be observed through further observation.


2024年7月22日 星期一










