
2024年7月4日 星期四















Trump's victory over Demented Biden at debate made Putin excited to be incontinent


Biden's poor performance in the debate with Trump was mainly due to his poor physical and mental state. In the end, it attracted attention from the outside world and hoped that Biden could withdraw from the election and be replaced. Although Trump is currently involved in lawsuits, it will not have too much impact on his campaign. Big impact, if Biden withdraws now and replaces himself with a new candidate, it will be very detrimental to the Democratic Party with only a few months left in the election, and Trump is far ahead in the polls. The safest thing to do now is to support Biden's campaign, and even arrange another debate. Of course, this must be done while keeping Biden in the best physical condition. 

The current doubts about Biden are not about his policies, but about him. Can your physical condition last for a few more years? In any case, if Trump is elected, Putin will definitely be the biggest beneficiary. It was he who secretly supported Trump in defeating Hillary in the election. This is the origin of the so-called "Russia Gate". If elected this time, he will definitely help Putin force Ukraine to accept the fact of being invaded. The United States will no longer provide military assistance to Ukraine, even give up part of its leadership position in NATO, and prevent Europe from independently confronting Russia. 

Trump will focus his energy on suppressing China, and will join forces with Russia to abandon the above powerful countries and fight back. In conjunction with the already established Indo-Pacific strategic region, Trump will not hesitate to use military means against so-called competitors. Putin is now lowering his stature to flatter North Korea's Kim Jong-un and asking for weapons and troops in order to delay the war as much as possible. He is very confident in Trump's election, and the two have a secret agreement in private. As long as Putin makes public the evidence that supported Trump's election, Trump's political career will definitely end and his reputation will be ruined. 

Therefore, after Trump is elected, he will definitely support Russia to suppress Ukraine in the name of ending the war. This is why European countries continue to strengthen The intensity of support for Ukraine, in terms of weapons, personnel, equipment, funds, etc., and even the reason why it does not hesitate to directly send troops into the Ukrainian battlefield, is that Europe is ready to deal with Russia independently in the next four years. The withdrawal of the United States is tantamount to the substantial disintegration of NATO, which has just regained its vitality. In this way, the United States will also lose its international leadership position, cannot guarantee the security of Europe, and cannot maintain world peace. 

Trump's claim that NATO members must pay to obtain U.S. guarantees goes against the purpose of NATO's establishment to fight against the former Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact. In the future, NATO will be indirectly disbanded under Trump's intervention, so that Russia's new expansion into Europe will no longer be hindered. In this way, Putin prolongs the Russia-Ukraine war and waits for the realization of the strategy of internal divisions in European and American countries. 

Trump must force Ukraine to accept the fact of losing territory and promise to give up joining NATO and the EU. Zelensky will step down and go into exile in the West. Ending the Russia-Ukraine war will become Trump's greatest political achievement. However, at the same time, another war against a more powerful country will officially begin. As a far more stronger competitor than Russia, the country's ruling party and top leaders will never sit back and wait for death. It will not hesitate to launch all military and unrestricted means to fully confront the United States. 

Although the United States will still return to its current correct foreign policy track after four years of Trump, a political clown, taking office, the cost of losing several years is unbearable. Therefore, as long as Trump dares to join forces with Putin to influence the European security order, and the United States will suppress its competitors as hostile forces through military suppression, Trump's political career will soon be ended by extraordinary means. This is also the case in the history of the United States tradition.














2024年6月28日 星期五



North Korean Troops: Can Brown Rice and Soybean Paste Soup Win the Ukrainian War?


Rumors are rife that North Korea is sending troops directly to Ukraine. The initial plan is to send engineers, and then gradually increase the number of troops and deploy regular units. North Korea’s deployment of troops was actually negotiated when they provided weapons, and now it is officially implemented, which is beneficial for both countries. With France representing NATO directly sending troops to participate in the war, Russia’s alliance with North Korea is also a countermeasure. North Korea, with its million-strong army, can easily deploy tens of thousands of troops, and later even increase to more than 100,000. For Russia, North Korean troops can fill battlefield gaps and make up for the lack of manpower. Currently, the engineers are just the first step, similar to the reconnaissance units sent by France, all preparing for full-scale participation in the war later.

For North Korea, sending troops overseas has many benefits. Not only can it obtain scarce foreign exchange, but with its weak national strength, maintaining a million-strong army is a heavy burden. Sending troops to Ukraine can share some of the pressure on the Russian army and reduce North Korea’s burden, as the expenses of North Korean troops in Ukraine are borne by Russia. Due to long-term international sanctions, natural disasters, and food shortages, the supply level within the North Korean army is very low. The daily food supply for ordinary troops is less than 500 grams, with the most common meals being brown rice and soybean paste soup. Even a small amount of vegetables and meat is hard to guarantee. Except for the main and key units, ordinary troops suffer from long-term food shortages, leading to physical weakness, and they can’t even perform basic duties. Moreover, the North Korean economy has been on the verge of collapse due to the pandemic in recent years. Recently, North Korea provided weapons and ammunition to Russia in exchange for urgently needed food, energy, and military technology. Directly sending troops can also reduce the burden on the army, and troops can improve their combat effectiveness in a real combat environment. Therefore, from any perspective, it is beneficial for both sides.

The United States warns that North Korean troops participating in the war are nothing more than cannon fodder and cannot change the course of the war. Objectively speaking, it is better to let North Korean troops be consumed on the Ukrainian battlefield than to let them pose a constant threat on the Korean border. Although North Korean troops have a certain combat capability and strong fighting will, their combat effectiveness is very low according to the requirements of high-tech warfare. This kind of army, facing advanced Western weapons and Ukraine’s superior tactical strikes, has questionable survival ability. Even Russia, the world’s second military power, has suffered over 500,000 casualties and lost a large amount of weapons, equipment, and various supplies in more than two years of war. The Russian army, in terms of military equipment, troop training, combat effectiveness, and combat experience, far surpasses the North Korean army. Given the current state of the war, the Russian army’s combat effectiveness is still so, let alone the poorly equipped, poorly trained, primitive combat concepts, low tactical capabilities, and even underfed North Korean troops.

Although Russia still has an advantage in positional warfare with its manpower and firepower, this advantage is gradually narrowing with the lifting of Western weapon bans and the continuous influx of advanced weapons. As the Russian army is about to lose air superiority, ground offensives will become more difficult, and Russia itself will be continuously attacked. For Russia, the symbolic significance of North Korean troops is greater than their practical effect. The biggest problem for Russia is how many troops North Korea will send. Too few will be ineffective, and a large number of troops may not be realistic for North Korea, as the Korean Peninsula is still in a state of war, and it is impossible to draw a large number of troops overseas. Given the current rate of Russian troop consumption, with over a thousand troops being consumed daily, North Korea may also find it difficult to bear. Therefore, for Kim Jong-un, sending engineers is more about economic benefits than military ones.

However, it must be noted that if North Korea directly engages with Ukrainian troops, it means that North Korea, as an enemy of NATO, will also be directly attacked by the West. This would put North Korea at risk of fighting on two fronts, both on the peninsula and in Ukraine, akin to the Korean War breaking out again. The West might unite with Japan and South Korea to completely resolve the North Korean issue, posing a significant threat to Kim Jong-un’s regime.





對於朝鮮來講出兵海外好處甚多,不僅可以換取短缺的外匯,以其孱弱國力常年豢養百萬軍隊本就負擔很大, 出兵烏克蘭在分擔俄軍部份壓力的同時,對於朝鮮來講也減輕了負擔,畢竟朝鮮軍隊在烏克蘭的費用由俄羅斯承擔。況且由於常年受到國際制裁,自然災害和糧食短缺影響,朝鮮軍隊內部供給水準低下,一般部隊每天的糧食供應不到5百克,最常見的飲食無非是糙米飯和大醬湯,部隊甚至連少量的蔬菜和肉類都難以保證。除主力和重點部隊以外,一般部隊由於長期糧食供應匱乏導致士兵體力衰弱,甚至連基本的勤務都執行不了。況且幾年疫情下朝鮮經濟頻臨崩潰,最近向俄羅斯提供武器彈藥,換回了朝鮮急需的糧食,能源和軍事技術,直接出兵還可以減輕軍隊負擔,部隊可以在實戰的環境中提高戰鬥力,因此無論從任何一個方面看都對雙方有利。






大桥未久 、 大橋未久、 Miku Oohashi















2024年6月26日 星期三

熟女 - Misa Ichibana 一花美沙


Putin’s Red Carpet Dilemma: From Vietnam’s Cold Shoulder to North Korea’s Hot Ammo


Putin’s visit to Vietnam yielded no results. As he left, he helplessly remarked, “Everything depends on ourselves.” Despite the close relationship between the two countries since the 1950s, Vietnam’s current pro-Western policies make them cautious about Russia’s cooperation proposals. The visit was mainly based on party relations, and military cooperation similar to that with North Korea is unlikely. Unlike North Korea and Iran, which are isolated countries, Vietnam sees greater benefits in cooperating with the West. Moreover, Vietnam’s ruling party is relatively stable, and supporting Putin risks offending the West. Additionally, Putin’s nuclear cooperation proposal is sensitive, forcing the Vietnamese government to consider the attitudes of neighboring countries. With no valuable bargaining chips, Vietnam’s reception of Putin was lukewarm despite the red carpet.

Although North Korea and Russia signed a strategic partnership, both leaders were indifferent during their talks. North Korea provided nearly 6 million rounds of ammunition, including missiles, rockets, and various artillery shells, to Russia. With a daily consumption of at least 30,000 rounds, this supply can barely last six months, which was the basis for Russia’s counteroffensive months ago when Ukraine faced a shortage of ammunition due to a U.S. supply cut. After months of consumption, the ammunition is running out, necessitating further discussions with North Korea. Russia’s biggest ally, needing to avoid Western sanctions, must also transfer some aid to North Korea. When Kim Jong-un first visited Russia, Putin showed little respect, and no substantial agreements were signed, with the large North Korean delegation housed in university dormitories.

Post-Cold War, the relationship between the two countries stagnated. Although Russia was part of the “Six-Party Talks,” it lacked interest in cooperation with North Korea and played no significant role. Despite a decades-long honeymoon period after the Korean War, mainly due to geopolitical influences, the Soviet Union adopted a one-sided aid policy towards North Korea. After the Cold War, relations cooled. North Korea, always in a state of war, never stopped producing ammunition, maintaining ample stockpiles. Given the massive ammunition consumption on the Russia-Ukraine battlefield, North Korean ammunition, though old and of poor quality, with much of it decades-old and poorly managed, can still provide emergency support to Russia. It is ironic that a former world military power is now seeking ammunition aid from North Korea, whose military industry was established by the Soviet Union. For Putin, having to flatter Kim Jong-un is hard to accept, especially since Kim knows he has always been looked down upon by Russia. However, both sides have to comply due to their respective needs.

As a result, South Korea has opened up its weapons usage rights to Ukraine. South Korean weapons are essentially platforms for Western military technology, making them Korean versions of Western weapons. South Korea’s military industry has continued to produce weapons efficiently, with high capacity and advanced performance, making them popular internationally. The production system seamlessly integrates with the West. As the war progresses, weapons from South Korea and Turkey are developing rapidly. The so-called opening to Ukraine is merely a statement, as South Korean weapons have long been entering the Ukrainian battlefield through NATO. Whether North Korea and Russia form an alliance is irrelevant.

The only country that can meet Russia’s military aid needs is Putin’s biggest supporter and ally, the U.S.'s so-called competitor. This country can produce all the military and civilian supplies and equipment needed for a medium-scale war, with enormous production capacity. If their cooperation develops into an alliance, with direct military aid and even troop deployment, the situation in the Russia-Ukraine war would fundamentally change. Therefore, for Western countries, controlling this competitor’s full alignment with Russia is crucial. It is now a consensus that Russia will inevitably be defeated in the long run. The two most important uncertainties in the future development of the Russia-Ukraine war are whether Putin will use nuclear weapons and whether the ally will directly intervene. Currently, the likelihood of Russia using nuclear weapons immediately is low, and it is difficult to judge whether the ally will gradually send troops like NATO, as decisions in authoritarian countries depend on personal will rather than logical and rational interests.