
2024年6月24日 星期一





阿爾塞尼·圖爾賓(Arseny Turbin),是一位現年15歲的俄羅斯男孩,生活在奧廖爾地區利夫尼市。據當地時間621日的消息稱,年輕的阿爾塞尼現在不得不暫別校園了,因為他被指控犯下了嚴重的罪行,將在管教所裡度過5年的時光。




據俄羅斯的活動人士稱,沒有證據可以證明那些最嚴重的指控。「沒有證據表明男孩填寫了加入軍團的申請。」在調查員納入該案的阿爾森尼的電子郵件通信中,阿爾森尼只寫了他「張貼傳單」的想法,而且那些傳單還是從網際網路上下載的。在活動人士看來,這樣的審判其實也侵犯了阿爾塞尼的權利。而之所以法官認定阿爾賽尼加入過,俄羅斯的社交媒體上有一種觀點認為,他是被看似來自該組織的「機器人」誣陷的,事實上團體不接受18歲以下的成員。據報導稱,奧廖爾的法官奧列格·希紹夫(Oleg Shishov)判定阿爾塞尼「參與被認定為恐怖組織的活動」的罪名成立,判處他在少年矯正學校服刑五年,但目前他被關押在莫斯科的「SIZO5」,這是一所被描述為地獄般的成年人拘留中心。










2024年6月21日 星期五














2024年6月18日 星期二

The S-400’s Rain Dance: How It Went from Skyguard to Sprinkler


Ukraine has managed to destroy more than a dozen of Russia’s prized S-300 and S-400 air defense missile systems. Considering that there are fewer than 100 of these systems in total, losing one-tenth of them is a significant blow. Recently, the Crimean S-400 air defense system has been repeatedly targeted and neutralized. The S-400, which Russia boasts can intercept low-orbit satellites and even birds, fighter jets, drones, and ballistic missiles, has proven less effective in actual combat. Israel’s Air Force, using F-16s and F-35s, has operated almost unimpeded in the Middle East, attacking countries equipped with Russian S-400 systems, including Iran, Iraq, and Syria. Surprisingly, the S-400 failed to intercept even basic threats like F-16s, let alone advanced stealth aircraft like the F-35.

In contrast to the hype surrounding Russian weaponry, the S-400’s performance in real-world scenarios has been lackluster. Even the retired ATACMs (Advanced Tactical Missile System) from the United States and Europe’s “Storm Shadow” missiles have outperformed it. In one incident, the S-400 detected a target but failed to intercept it, launching six missiles that all missed. This decline in effectiveness is alarming, especially considering the initial success of the S-400 during the early stages of the conflict.

As the war between Western powers and Russia escalates, Turkey has firmly aligned itself with Ukraine. Despite historical tensions between Turkey and Russia, including centuries of conflict over Crimea, Turkey now stands firmly on Ukraine’s side. Turkey’s decision to purchase the S-400 system, even at the expense of losing access to the F-35, demonstrates its commitment. Additionally, the United States had previously acquired the S-300 system, and now Turkey’s familiarity with the S-400 makes it well-equipped to guide Ukraine in targeting these systems effectively.

Furthermore, Western powers have provided Ukraine with advanced attack weapons, even if some of them are considered outdated. These weapons are more than sufficient to counter Russia’s relatively low-tech electronic defenses. The S-400’s shortcomings in detection, interception, and overall capability have made it vulnerable. Ukraine, using cost-effective drones and missiles, has systematically dismantled each expensive Russian air defense system.

Russia’s limited number of air defense missiles—less than a hundred—must not only defend Crimea but also major cities, critical military targets, energy infrastructure, and transportation facilities across its vast territory. With the loss of these missile systems, Russia’s air superiority is further compromised. Especially with Ukraine now possessing a fleet of F-16s and the arrival of advanced European fighters like the Eurofighter Typhoon and Dassault Rafale, Russia’s advantage in ground forces and equipment is diminishing rapidly. The situation in Crimea remains precarious, and if the bridge connecting it to the mainland is destroyed, the peninsula’s security will be severely compromised.

Ukraine’s upcoming summer offensive will likely focus on Crimea, the epicenter of the Russia-Ukraine conflict. The Black Sea Fleet, which Russia relied upon for defending Crimea, has already suffered damage and withdrawal. With the air defense system significantly depleted, the destruction of the Kerch Strait Bridge would cut off critical supplies, leaving Crimea vulnerable.


フミカ ふみか













Zelensky’s Winning Streak: Cash, Guns, and Putin’s Envy


Zelensky has recently been in high spirits, receiving cash and weapons wherever he goes. Ukraine has never received such global attention in its history. Topics like joining NATO are hardly worth mentioning. Western weapons and personnel have been pouring in, effectively making Ukraine a de facto member of NATO. It has become one of the best-equipped and most powerful military forces in Europe, with a large troop size. Back when the Russo-Ukrainian conflict began, the Ukrainian army disintegrated in less than a month. Now, it has managed to push Russia off its pedestal as the world’s second military power.

As long as there’s cash and weapons, Ukraine doesn’t hesitate to fight. In other words, it fights as long as it can. NATO has evolved into a ‘super-NATO’ organization to counter Russia. Although NATO’s military readiness had waned since the end of the Cold War, it has been gradually rebuilding its capabilities over the past two years. While it may take time to reach the level of countering the Soviet Union, NATO’s purpose has always been to confront Russia. In contrast, Russia lacks the strength it had during the Soviet era. Its military capacity is less than 1/20 of the former Soviet Union’s. Moreover, many former Warsaw Pact allies have joined NATO, making it challenging for Russia to face the united Western front.

Russia inherited a large arsenal from the Soviet Union, but much of it is outdated and unusable. The Russo-Ukrainian war has evolved into a comprehensive conflict, combining satellite reconnaissance, drone attacks, advanced tanks, minefields, wire obstacles, long-range precision artillery, and close combat. This hybrid warfare model blends high-tech capabilities with traditional tactics. Russia’s war effort is astonishing, with casualties often reaching thousands per day for a single regiment, even for minor tactical gains. Their endurance is remarkable.

The current trend suggests a prolonged conflict accepted by both sides. The West aims to reach a critical point by exhausting Russia, ultimately leading to its collapse. Russia hopes that a protracted war will create internal divisions within NATO, allowing them to sacrifice Ukrainian territory for peace. However, Russia’s war resources will eventually run out, and President Putin cannot maintain his rule indefinitely. If Russia is defeated, it means the end of his regime. As a last resort, nuclear weapons might come into play as retaliation against the West."

Hikari Aozora 青空ひかり